Hapi JS Framework
The Hapi framework enables developers to focus on writing reusable application logic instead of spending time building infrastructure.
Nodeschool.io has a workshop listed called makemehapi created by @linclark
I love Nodeschool workshops and this was one of the better ones. Great weekend fun finding the solutions and I definitely want to continue using Hapi.
Proficient enough at the end to just start writing code? Yep.
&yet Present Eran Hammer on Hapi 2.0 - Jan 2014
And how's this for an instant proxy?
1 var Hapi = require('hapi'); // Import the library
3 var server = new Hapi.Server('localhost', (process.stdin[2] || 3000)); // Host and port you designate or port 3000
5 server.route({
6 method: '*', // Any of the HTTP methods
7 path: '/{path*}', // Any path and follow recursively
8 handler: {
9 proxy: {
10 host: 'google.com', // http://localhost:3000/search?&q=hapijs
11 redirects: 5, // Sixth redirect gives back error 300
12 }
13 }
14 });
16 server.start(); // kick it
TODO: Read up on Function expressions vs. Function declarations
var rot13 = require('rot13-stream')(); // WTF double brackets?